Submit a poster
Poster information
The Brainbox Initiative Conference is committed to promoting, supporting, and giving a voice to early-career neuroscientists, and these researchers have always been at the forefront of our conference.
The Brainbox Initiative Conference offers anyone presenting a poster the opportunity not only to display their work, but also the chance to supplement this visual display with a live three-minute pitch on stage to everyone in attendance of the conference.
We have found these pitches to be a fantastic opportunity that challenges delegates to really consider the main take-away ideas of their work; provide invaluable experience of presenting work to a live audience; and, through reaching the widest audience possible, can open up some extremely promising avenues for networking and collaboration.
Each year, we offer one lucky researcher the chance to get their hands on a £250 cash prize, generously sponsored by Brainbox Ltd, and a complimentary registration to one of our hands-on Brainbox Initiative Workshops.
How do I submit my abstract?
Applications to present a poster at the Brainbox Initiative Conference will take place in two stages: the initial submission of a poster abstract, followed (if successful) by the submission of a PDF to display on our website and three PowerPoint presentation slides to be used for your live poster pitch.
When submitting an abstract for your poster, please note that:
- Abstracts must be submitted in PDF format, not exceeding 5MB.
- Abstracts do not exceed 300 words. Titles, names, and affiliations of authors are not included in this word count.
- Submissions of original results, new analyses of published results, methods papers, computational modelling, case reports, null findings, and ethics and regulatory reviews are all welcome.
- Poster presenters must also ensure that they register to attend the conference in order to display their research. You may submit an abstract and register for the conference closer to the date, should you wish to do so.
- Call for entries closes on August 1, 2025. All additional materials (PDF poster and conference slides) must be submitted no later than August 17, 2025.
- No amendments may be made to submitted materials following the closing date of August 17, 2025.
Thank you for your poster submission.
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